Category: Uncategorized

Brilliant Distinctions Got a Facelift – Meet, Allē

Brilliant Distinctions is now, Allē! It’s the same great benefits you’ve come to expect from Allergan, and a whole lot more. Starting October 7, 2020 current Brilliant Distinctions Members will need to merge their account with Allē to redeem points at The AgeLess Center. Don’t worry, you will keep your current points by using this […]

Written by on October 7, 2020

An Update from The AgeLess Center

August 31, 2020 The health and safety of our clients and our employees remain our top priority. We can all work together to create a safe place for you to receive your cosmetic enhancements. Here are some of the things you can expect from The AgeLess Center at your next appointment: What You Can Expect […]

Written by on March 16, 2020

Why Beauty Editors Love Revision Skincare Neck Cream

If you’re looking for skincare products, one of the best places to look is in health and beauty magazines. Magazines are also a great resource for checking reviews and reading what people think of new products. Right now, Revision Skincare is taking the health and beauty industry by storm, with reports and mentions appearing in multiple publications […]

Written by on March 21, 2019

The Best Cosmetic Procedures to Minimize Wrinkles

Wrinkles are inevitable. They happen when we age although some people get them earlier than others. Some people get more wrinkles than others, and some get them earlier when they are younger. If you’ve got wrinkles you will identify immediately. The question is. What, if anything, are you going to do about them? If you […]

Written by on February 18, 2018

Get Ready for Bikini Weather With Leg Vein Treatments

As summer makes a comeback, bikini weather is on its way. This means we’re going to be exposing our bodies to the sun – and to other people. Whether you’re going to be heading to the beach or planning to stick around your own swimming pool, you’re going to want to look your best. Perhaps […]

Written by on May 31, 2017

Get Rid of Wrinkles with Atlanta Botox or Xeomin

If you’re feeling old and ugly because of wrinkles, now is the time to consider non-surgical cosmetic enhancements like Atlanta Botox and Xeomin treatments. These cosmetic fillers are a fantastic alternative to expensive plastic surgery, and neither involves any recovery time. Although not exactly the same, both Botox and Xeomin are made from a neurotoxin protein, Botulinum toxin (BTX). […]

Written by on September 30, 2016

Use Atlanta Botox or Xeomin Services to Look and Feel Ageless

We all get older, but that’s no reason to look or feel old. So if you’re in Atlanta, why not pop into The AgeLess Center for a non-surgical Botox treatment or cosmetic enhancement that will make you look and feel ageless. There are a number of non-surgical procedures offered that will sort out a number […]

Written by on May 15, 2016

Get Ready for the Beach With Leg Vein Treatments at The AgeLess Center

Summer has arrived, and the beach is waiting. You’ve been working on your weight, and exercising to keep trim; but recently you’ve noticed ugly spider veins developing on your legs. Relax. Not only are leg veins more common than you probably realize, they are also quick and simple to treat. The most common treatment is […]

Written by on April 14, 2016

Fotofacial Can Reduce Sun Spots

How FotofacialTM Can Reduce Sun Spots It seems like whenever the word vacation is mentioned, the word ‘beach’ is automatically added to it in most cases. And we truly do love going to the beach! Lying out on the warm sand, listening to the waves, enjoying the rays, we have all the things we need for […]

Written by on November 19, 2013

Restylane® Can Bring Back Your Youthful Self-Confidence

The wonderful thing about youth is one’s worry free attitude towards aging.  However, as we grow older we become not only wiser but also more conscious of aging.  It’s a battle that is not always so easy to face but luckily, there are new non-surgical treatments on the cosmetic enhancement market that can bring back […]

Written by on September 24, 2013