Category: Botox

5 Common Myths About Botox

Since it is one of the most popular treatments available, you have probably heard about Botox. Even people that have never used Botox know that it is a way to minimize wrinkles. But just like any other popular product, a lot of misinformation has grown up around it as well. If you are interested in […]

Written by on December 23, 2014

Up Your Skincare Routine to Knock Years Off of Your Appearance

Every year people come up with new “miracle” beauty regimes. They include everything from new medical products to the latest fad diet. It doesn’t take cutting edge technology to enhance your appearance; it just requires a solid understanding of the basics. The following tips will help you to develop a skincare routine that will knock […]

Written by on November 30, 2014

Look Great for the Holidays

The holiday season is upon us. Are you ready for it? It can be the perfect time to get together with friends and family but the holidays can be a stressful time as well. People have to deal with all of the planning and shopping, while dodging the latest version of the flu to hit […]

Written by on November 15, 2014

The Do’s and Dont’s of Skin Care

People like to joke that one day they will get old and wrinkled. Inevitably this will happen to all of us, but the health of your skin has less to do with how old you are more to do with how well you maintain a skin care regimen. As you get older your skin will gradually start […]

Written by on October 22, 2014

Could Botox® or Xeomin Make You Look Younger, and Happier?

Yes, Botox® or Xeomin can make you look younger and feel happier but maybe not for the reasons you think. Botox® treatents will make you look younger by helping to iron out the wrinkles. When you look younger, you tend to feel better about yourself. When you feel better, other people can feel it and […]

Written by on July 11, 2014

Skin Enhancement Treatment

Use the Newest Skin Enhancement Treatments to Bring Back Your Lost Youth We’ve all heard of Botox Cosmetic© and Juvederm©, those wonderful skin enhancement injections used to remove fine lines from skin, restoring your youthful appearance of your face. Every week, it seems like one celebrity or another is lauding the benefits of one therapy […]

Written by on May 27, 2014

Xeomin® vs BOTOX® Cosmetic, Which is Right for You?

At The AgeLess Center we are a top Atlanta boutique for BOTOX® Cosmetic and other dermal fillers. One of our newest products, Xeomin®, gives our top-selling BOTOX® Cosmetic a bit of competition when it comes to our anti-aging treatments. Xeomin® is one of the newest FDA approved products that can be used for diminishing the […]

Written by on July 8, 2013

How is Botox® Cosmetic Different From Dermal Fillers?

As the most trusted Botox® Cosmetic treatment center in Atlanta we are often asked about the differences in Botox® Cosmetic and popular dermal fillers such as Restylane® or Juverderm®, for example. The main uses of either of these treatments is the reduction of fine lines and wrinkles that can appear on your face, neck or […]

Written by on February 18, 2013

The Top 4 Benefits of BOTOX® Cosmetic Treatments

botoAll of us eventually must deal with lines and wrinkles associated with aging. However, there is a great way to diminish the appearance of these wrinkles with BOTOX® Cosmetic treatments. Located in Atlanta, The AgeLess Center provides the most inexpensive BOTOX® Cosmetic treatments available in the area. What are the main benefits of BOTOX® Cosmetic […]

Written by on February 18, 2013