How do JUVÉDERM® Treatments Work?

JUVÉDERM® is a highly requested treatment for the visible signs of aging. The AgeLess Center is a top provider of JUVÉDERM® treatments in Atlanta, GA and we want you to be educated on how this revolutionary treatment works so that you are able to make the right choice of dermal fillers for your skin.

How does JUVÉDERM® help treat the signs of aging?


Young, youthful looking skin is packed full of a natural substance called hyaluronic acid (HA). It is naturally hydrating and keeps the skin looking firm and supple. As you age, sunlight and other factors can reduce the amount of hyaluronic acid produced by you naturally. The decreased amount of (HA) in your skin is what causes your face to lose structure and firmness, which causes wrinkles and folds – such as “smile lines” or “parenthesis” around the nose and mouth.

JUVÉDERM® is a safe and effective way to replenish the (HA) in your skin and help diminish unsightly “smile lines” and wrinkles in the face.

So, how does it work?

Hyaluronic acid when produced naturally by your body acts as your skins natural moisturizer. As you age, however, (HA) is produced less often. JUVÉDERM® injectable gel works to correct problem lines and wrinkles in the face by restoring the hyaluronic acid in your skin.

JUVÉDERM® filler is a non-surgical solution for facial wrinkles. It’s completely safe, as it only contains substances that are naturally produced by your own body. What makes JUVÉDERM® more effective than other (HA) fillers though, is the formula. It is a durable gel to ensure longevity above other brands.

The AgeLess Center in Atlanta, GA provides many dermal filler options to fight the signs of wrinkles and aging in the face. JUVÉDERM® is among the top requested treatments and at The AgeLess Center they provide affordable JUVÉDERM® treatments administered by professionals.

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